Q.1.What is the criteria for becoming an egg donor ?
     Every woman has to pass through basic touchstones to become an egg donor :

  • Age between 21 to 35 years
  • Mental and physical fitness
  • Free of medical disability and without family history of inherited disorder
  • Screening for infectious diseases
  • Consent from husband (if married)

Q.2. Which investigations of the oocyte donors are done at Moses Cradle?
    We do the following investigations of our egg donors :

     Blood group and Rh Status, Complete blood picture(HB, Total RBC count, Total WBC count, Differential WBC count, Platelet count, Peripheral smear), Random blood sugar, Blood urea / Serum creatinine, SGPT, Routine urine examination, HBsAg status, Hepatitis C status, HIV status with date of the tests done, Hemoglobin A2 (for thalassemia) status, TSH, Prolactin

Q.3. What information of the oocyte donor is collected by Moses Cradle?
     We record the following information of the egg donor:

     Height, Weight, Colour of skin, hair and eyes, Age, Marital status, Education, Occupation, Religion, Obstetric history, Number of deliveries, Number of abortions. We also collect information pertaining to menstrual history, History of use of contraceptives, Medical history, Family history from the medical point of view, History of blood transfusion and History of substance abuse.

Q.4. Does the ART Clinic need to inform Moses Cradle about successful pregnancy and/or birth?
     Yes. The ART Clinic is expected to inform us about a successful pregnancy and any successful birth that the ART Clinic comes to know of.

Q.5. Is the ART Clinic responsible to monetarily compensate the oocyte donor?
     No. We monetarily compensate our egg donors and the ART Clinic is not responsible for the same.

Q.6. What information on the oocyte donor will be made available to the ART Clinic?
     All the results of the investigations as stated in Q.2. and all the information as stated in Q.3. are shared with the ART Clinic once they have selected the egg donor

Q.7. Does Moses Cradle supply semen as well?
     We only provide semen to the Art Clinic where it is in need of creating a donor embryo.

Q.8. Does Moses Cradle provide embryologist in case of Frozen oocytes?
     Yes. We recommend that the ART Clinic to use the services of embryologist on our panel for thawing the frozen oocytes.

Q.9. How does an ART Clinic approach Moses Cradle and what is the whole process in case of sourced donor?
     Call us on 9168-192-779 or Write to us at info@mosescradle.com your criteria and we shall revert to you after referring the Donor Registry. Once you give your confirmation regarding the egg donor, we start the investigations of the donor. You will be required to make advance payment before starting the stimulation cycle. The stimulation protocol, monitoring of the egg donor’s health and response to medication and subsequent egg pick-up will have to be done at your clinic, under the guidance of a suitably experienced practitioner.

Q.10. What if the ART Clinic has input for us to serve them better?
   The ART Clinic can fill our feedback form which they will get for every service that they avail or write us at info@mosescradle.com. We assure that your input would not go unnoticed

Q.11. What is the process for frozen oocytes?
   The ART Clinic has to place a demand with us for certain number of oocytes of a donor with certain characteristics. After such demand, we shall share the profiles (without disclosing the name and identity) of the eligible and willing Oocyte Donors who’s at least 10 oocytes have already been stored at the Facilitating ART Clinic. After the selection of the Oocyte Donor by the ART Clinic, the Facilitating ART Clinic will be communicated about the demand of the ART Clinic by the ART Bank and accordingly the Facilitating ART Clinic shall arrange to provide such oocytes to the ART Clinic on the date and time as determined by the ART Bank and the ART Clinic


Q.1. Will I be counselled about the medication and procedure of oocyte retrieval?
     Yes. We counsel the egg donors about the medication, the procedure of oocyte retrieval, dos and don’ts’s during the treatment etc. Apart from the counseling, we are here to answer all your questions.

Q.2. What tests do I have to successfully undergo to become an egg donor?
     We share all the results of the following clinical investigations:
     CBC, HB electrophoresis, HIV, HBsAg, HCV, TSH, Prolactin, blood urea and serum creatinine, SGPT, Urine routine, blood group, Random B.

Q.3. Is my identity revealed to the individual/couple for whom my oocytes may be utilized?
     Moses Basket does not reveal the name and identity of its egg donors.

Q.4. Will I have parental rights over the child born with my oocytes?
     The Oocyte Donor has to relinquish all parental rights over the child, which may be conceived from her gamete.

Q.5. Will I know or get to meet the child born with my oocytes?
     The egg donor is not given any details about the birth of any child born with her oocytes nor does she get any access to meet such child.


Egg Donor:

Q.1. How does Moses Cradle screen the egg donor?
     Every woman has to pass through these touchstones to become an egg donor:

  • Age between 21 to 35 years
  • Mental and physical fitness
  • Free of medical disability and without family history of inherited disorder
  • Screening for infectious diseases
  • Consent from husband (if married)

Q.2. What information of the donor is shared with us?
     We share all the results of the following clinical investigations: CBC, HB electrophoresis, HIV, HBsAg, HCV, TSH, Prolactin, blood urea and serum creatinine, SGPT, Urine routine, blood group, Random B.   We also share the following information of the egg donor: Height, Weight, Colour of skin, hair and eyes, Age, Marital status, Education, Occupation, Religion, Obstetric history, Number of deliveries, Number of abortions. We also collect information pertaining to menstrual history, History of use of contraceptives, Medical history, Family history from the medical point of view, History of blood transfusion and History of substance abuse.

Q.3. Is the identity of the donor revelled by Moses Cradle?
     No. We do not reveal the identity of the donor.

Q.4. Do we as an individual / a couple seeking IVF treatment responsible to monetarily compensate the oocyte donor?
     No. We monetarily compensate our egg donors and the individual/couple seeking IVF treatment is/are not responsible for the same.

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